Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 10-312(f) and 12-512(d) of the Local Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, that the County Council of Dorchester County, Maryland will, on April 15, 2025 at 6:05 p.m., consider public comments regarding the proposed closure of a County public road and transfer of County owned property specified below:
A Portion of Farm Creek Road and Farm Creek Boat Ramp
The boat ramp, consisting of 300 square feet, more or less, situate at the northern
terminus of Farm Creek Road in the Tenth Election District (Tax Parcel 227) and
That portion of Farm Creek Road abutting the boat ramp and extending from the
terminus approximately 219.03 feet, and surrounded on both sides by the lands
of Horseman Enterprises, LLC
The boat ramp has been closed for some time by the County due to inadequate public parking and safety concerns. In exchange for the boat ramp and portion of Farm Creek Road, the County is acquiring from Horseman Enterprises, LLC a nearby parcel of land off Farm Creek Road consisting of 0.21 acres, more or less, with unimproved access to Farm Creek. The proposed agreement between the County and Horseman Enterprises, LLC is to exchange property of comparable value and utility, with no monetary consideration.
Any comments on the proposed public road closure and transfer of the County property described above will be considered by the County Council at that time. This public hearing will be held in the County Office Building, 501 Court Lane, Room 110, Cambridge, Maryland 21613.
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