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Engineering Division



To provide technical and engineering expertise and support to the County Council and all County Departments mainly the Department of Public Works consisting of Highway, Solid Waste, Maintenance.


The function of the Engineering Division has been incorporated into the County Department of Public Works. Functions include providing technical support and expertise to the County Council and County Departments. This is a very broad function that includes numerous responses to inquiries form the public concerning problems as they arise in addition to mandated reviews and inspections concerning stormwater and sediment and erosion control and general engineering work in support of capital improvements throughout the County. Responses range from simple technical advice to complete design, permitting, funding acquisition and administration, inspection and construction of projects. Some of the Division’s activities include:

Technical Review – subdivision plans, stormwater management plans, subdivision road plans, bridge and roadway rehabilitation plans, dredging and dredge disposal plans, County building ADA compliance.

Permitting – stormwater management, grading and forestry permits are issued by the Highway Division subject to review by the Engineering Division.  Stormwater flow calculations, stormwater management structures sizing and sediment and erosion control measures must be checked prior to issuing the permit. It is required that site inspections be conducted at least every two weeks for all grading permits. The County must inspect the over 50 permanent stormwater management structures every three years. 

Inspections – the Engineering Division assists in the aforementioned stormwater management and grading permit inspections. The Division also has inspection responsibilities for new County construction projects, and other ongoing stormwater, roadway and new subdivision roads.

Permit Acquisition and Reporting – all construction projects require environmental permits. Application for non-tidal and tidal wetland permits, sediment and erosion control permits and federal Section 404 permits, and approvals by the Critical Area Commission and Maryland Historical Trust for County funded projects are initiated by the Engineering Division. These applications require field surveys and development of plans to assure compliance with environmental laws prior to construction beginning. The Division also files required reports and test results for existing oil storage permits and an air quality control permit for various Highway Division facilities. Engineering also does the reapplication for these permits.

In House Design – preparation of engineering drawings and bid specifications for a wide variety of County projects including: boat ramps, roadway improvements (realignment, widening, ditch and shoulder work), dredge spoil site design, channel dredging, building renovations, stormwater drainage improvements

Funding Applications – various grant and loan funding applications to State (DNR, SHA, MDE) and Federal (FHA, EPA, COE) agencies.

Fees and Applications:
Stormwater Management Permit Application
Standard Stormwater Management Plan for Single Residential Construction Fee $200
Standard Stormwater Management Plan for Single Residential Construction Application
Stormwater Management Plan for Agricultural Building Construction Fee $200
Stormwater Management Plan for Agricultural Building Construction Application

Grading and Forest Harvest Permits Fees are $60

Cash and checks are accepted.  Please make checks payable to: Dorchester County Department of Public Works

Dorchester County Department of Public Works
5435 Handley Road
Cambridge, MD 21613
Tel:  410-228-2920
Fax: 410-228-9516

Tel: 410-228-2920
Dale Pusey, Engineer: [email protected]
Stephanie Newcomb [email protected]

Sediment and Erosion Control and Grading Permits

For Sediment and Erosion Control Applications and Grading Permit Applications please contact:
Dorchester County Soil Conservation District
204 Cedar Street, Suite #200
Cambridge, MD 21613
Tel: 410-228-5640, Ext. 3

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