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Projects in the Dorchester County Critical Area: Information Required for Site Plan Review

Pursuant to Zoning Chapter 155-43.C

In addition to the general information required under Chapter 155-43.C. (1-4), all site plans for projects in the Critical Area must include the following information, where relevant. Incomplete submittals that require staff time to research maps, and/or visit a site, will be returned to the applicant, or may experience a delay in processing.

  1. Vicinity map
  2. Plan scale and north arrow
  3. Tax map and parcel number, the Critical Area Overlay designation, and whether the buffer is further designated as a Buffer Exemption Area
  4. Number of parcel acres in the Critical Area
  5. Number of parcel acres regulated as State tidal wetlands
  6. Available density, after subtracting State tidal wetlands from parcel acreage. Indicate any development rights used by prior subdivisions
  7. Number of acres and location of existing forest and the % of site it covers
  8. Number of acres of forest to be cleared and the % of existing forest it represents
  9. Limits of disturbance and area of proposed disturbance
  10. State mitigation and afforestation requirements. Provide a Planting Plan identifying native plant species and quantities to be used. Tabulate mitigation costs
  11. Notes regarding existing and proposed impervious surface areas, and percentage of site for each. State impervious surface limit in square feet or acres
  12. Subdivision plans must provide impervious surface allocation matrix for individual lots
  13. Locations and boundaries of soils types. Topography at two-foot contours
  14. For new subdivisions, provide a detailed environmental site assessment report with supporting maps.
  15. Location of all streams, waterways, and wetlands. Delineate their buffers according to the County’s Critical Area definitions. (Chapter 155-13).
  16. Locate the 1,000-foot Critical Area boundary and 100′ tidewater and expanded buffer lines

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